10 March 2008


I spent the day in Milano yesterday. Here's a run down of what happened.

I went to an upscale home design store in an trendy, old warehouse. Tables come from Japan, bedside tables are designed by Swedes, cabinets from China, on and on... One area was black and white. Every piece of furniture was white, or you guessed it, black! There was even a so-called museum of design within the store. All this means that a nice, yet very simple, table that appears to have been used for 40 years costs 500€. But I guess this is kind of like the fashion as well... 200€ some jeans with holes in them. Who's up for paying 180€ for a basic, standard-sized charcoal burning Weber grill?

But the best were the aprons featuring foreign flags. How about the American flag, a Union Jack, or the playful yellow, black and green of Jamaica? Or better yet, who's been searching for an apron with the Confederate flag on it? Yeah, no one I hope.

I did enjoy the build-you-own lamps by Kreaton... although they are just a rip off of Legos.

Next came an exhibit about gli Annisettanta (the 70's) at La Triennale di Milano. Quite interesting with the culture, art, music, violence, design, films, architecture, literature, video games, and more of the 70's in Italia and beyond.

And finally a good dinner at an osteria pugliese (food from Puglia) that lasted for hours and hours. The two most notable things I ate: salsiccia di cavallo (spiced horse sausage) and salame di cioccolato (disc-like slices of chocolate that contain crunchy, sweet bread and pistachios and look identical to salami... except it's brown). Buon appetito.

1 comment:

Ashly Stewart said...

See- that is a good day/good time. I would love that. I would rather do that than hang out at Taylors. I want us to start hanging out again, what do you say? Oh in 100 or so more days.. that's all.