19 January 2008

street food

I ate some pretty weird food from street vendors today. I started with a panino filled what I was told was "salsiccia." But I'm pretty sure it was "pani cu'la mensa" or sautèed beef spleen with red onions, which were sprinkled with salt and doused in lemon juice.

Following that I tried some kind of potato and herb patty that was deep-fried and then put in a panino bun along with hot sauce, lettuce and other veggies. That was accompanied by a crappy Italian beer with a fake German name and inscription. FORST: Spezialbier-Brauerei. It came in a bottle the size of my head and with two tiny, Dixie-sized plastic glasses. I shared it with the non-sense babbling, occasionally yelling Palermitano grandpa who continually hung around the stand and smoked cigarettes. Each of these items costs me a staggering 1,50 €... and each was filling and delicious.

Speaking of Italian deleciaties, the wine bar served me appetizers last night that included common things like pizzettas (mini-pizzas), small prosciutto and cheese sandwiches, chips, peanuts and of course wurstel (really just a plain hot dog) in a roll. Italiano autentico.

And tomorrow I'll be surrounded by pink shirts and flags watching Palermo (most likely) soundly defeat Siena. It's okay though because Siena's team is terrible and facing relegation, just like they are every season. I'll be in the curva.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Street food is sooooo good. That sounds amazing : )