01 May 2008

feste, ferie, e ponte

The good ole' holiday season is finally coming to a close here in Italia. After a few days off for elections in mid-April and the Festa della liberazione last week on April 25th (celebrating Italia's liberation from German occupation and fascism in 1945 during WWII), we now have today's Festa dei lavoratori (Labor Day).

We celebrated last night with a huge dinner at our house for friends and by drinking copious amounts of vino and of course party poppers from my birthday package that FINALLY arrived... thanks Ash. Lorella's sister and cousin from Milano surprised us in the middle of dinner.

Today the weather was abbastanza bello and we spent the afternoon by the lake in San Felice eating paninis and potato chips. Che belle feste.

I guess the vacation time isn't quite over for me though... seeing as my parents arrive on Monday, I'll be working another short week at school. Va bene, I'll make it up later.

1 comment:

The Beej said...

Hey Chris! I just found your blog the other day, looks like you are having a great time in Italy! You got me jealous for sure!